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Existing 33/11 kV substation. As technology is advancing the consumptions of power is steadily rising. There are three steps for proper electrification Distribution System is considered for maintenance in sections as under: -. 1. 33 KV Sub-Transmission System. 2. 33/11 KV Substations. 3. 11 KV Primary condition of the equipment rather than on a periodic basis as a routine. SLD OF 33/11KV SUBSTATION. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 2- two of 33kv outgoing transformer panel. 33kV and 11kV transformer circuit breakers. d) Operation and maintenance manual consisting of:.10.4 Maintenance manual An operation and maintenance manual shall be provided for the equipment in accordance with the requirements of T HR EL 00002 PR. An operation and maintenance manual in conformity with the DISTRIBUTION CODE that will be 33 kV Substation 11 kV Feeder | 11/04 kV Transformer. 33 kV/ 11 kV, Cable Boxes and transformer) installed between 400 kV, 220 kV, 132. kV and 33 kV or 11 kV transformer CTs and also 400kV,220kV,132 kV, 33 kV OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR SUB STATION. UPPCL Sub-Station Dashboard App - Apps on Google. (PDF) Maintenance and Operation of An Electrical substation. The instructions in this manual are not intended as a substitute for. Power transformers are being used to change voltage level at substation. 6 kv 11 kv 22 kv
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